Can you help driving an elderly person to and/or from their home to a cooling centre in case of a heat crisis?
Apply Here
We are asking you if you would be happy to register to a pool of helpers with cars we are creating for when the need arises.
The health department and the active aging and community care will be setting up cooling centres around the island, where elderly and vulnerable persons can go and spend the day should a heat crisis (eg heat wave) happen.
We know that a good number of people will need transportation to these centres when the case arises in view that these are people who would have no, or inadequate, cooling arrangements in the places they have access to live in.
How it will work:
– you register on our form to become part of the pool of drivers/helpers and will be added to an
– when we have the need of a lift we will send on the WhatsApp group
– if you can help within 2 hours of the post you will send a message of availability on the group
– we will assign you to a trip and send you a personal message with details and off you go
– once trip is done you will kondly send a private message that the person arrived to destination
What you need:
– a car
– a driver (unless something hinders registration should be done on drivers name)
– possibly people accompanying:)
– good will and openness to recieve whatsapp/sms
Why cooling centres are being set up