Hawn ħafna nies li l-ħin kollu jaqdu fill-familja u l-kommunita’. Bħala parti mill-iskema ‘Rajt u Apprezzajt’, tkun ħaġa sabiħa jekk tinnomina persuna jew persuni li tarhom jaqdu bi spirtu sabiħ ta’ servizz mingħajr ma jistennew xejn lura. Fl-aħħar tas-sebgħa xhur, issir ċelebrazzjoni ta’ radd il-ħajr tal-qadi li jsir – moħbi jew li jidher – fil-kommunita’ tagħna.

Fr Keith

Iklin nominations

Name of Person Nominating(Required)
Email of Person Nominating(Required)
Name & Surname of person being nominated
eg. husband, wife, friend, neighbour, or even I don’t know the person i just noticed and appreciated
In short pls write what you appreciated in the service you noticed being done in silence, and why you feel/think its an inspiration to others

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